CF90 Extruder & Pugsealer
- Separate single shaft mixer / pugsealers can be mounted in line or at right angles to suit plant layout. ( 75AD & 90BD models only)
- Drive through independent reduction gearboxes with helical gearing
- Suitable for extrusion of bricks or clay pipes
- All Craven Fawcett worm sections are subjected to a combination of in-house treatments to ensure energy minimisation, longevity and component quality.
- Optional Extras
Double vacuum pug sealer available for extra pugging

- Product Type
Extruder Power
224 - 450 kW - Extruder
15,000 - 30,000 Bricks per hour
Pug Sealer Power
115 - 224 Kw - Pug Sealer
Extruder Power
185 - 220 kW - Extruder
12,000 - 15,000 Bricks per hour
Pug Sealer Power
110 Kw - Pug Sealer
Extruder Power
150 kW - Extruder
10,000 - 13,000 Bricks per hour
Pug Sealer Power
90 Kw - Pug Sealer